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New Meetup: Snowbording & Skiing at Hunter, Dec 24

From: Glenda
Sent on: Tuesday, December 14, 2010, 9:51 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for New York Hiking and Outdoor Adventurers!

What: Snowbording & Skiing at Hunter, Dec 24

When: Friday, December 24,[masked]:30 AM

Where: (A location has not been chosen yet.)

Hi, I'm cross-posting from the NJ/NY Mid-Week Hiking Meetup Snowboarding & Skiing at Hunter, Dec 24th

Details are subject to change as we get closer to the date.

If we get 15 or more we can get a group rate on lift tickets ($30 each). If not, this is still considered "early" season and Hunter will give a small discount. There's also a 3X Card (3 lift tickets to be used whenever, no need for consecutive days) for $109.

We meet at the tickets' office at 8:30 am (Lifts open at 8:30 ...leaving NYC by 6:30 should put us there about then)

Rentals and lessons are available. Check the Hunter website for details:

Mention in your RSVP if you are driving and willing to offer rides (and from where), if you need a ride, etc.

Let's enjoy the snow!!!

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