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Le printemps revient... and AFD events continue

From: Charles
Sent on: Saturday, March 17, 2012, 12:34 PM

Bonjour a tous!

Hope you are enjoying the return of the Spring and mild temperatures. Vive le printemps....

While enjoying the outdoors is an excellent proposition, please remember not to play hookie with French-language events and remember to join us for some or all of our events. We've just organized a special event at COD on Senegal for March 27, and you'll also have an opportunity to hear all about the French presidential elections on April 13 if you have not already. And we have a movie night in the planning with North Central College at the end of April.

You will note on our Meetup calendar that a lot of our popular conversation groups have now been pre-loaded so you will be able to see when the next events at those locations will be.

Please visit for the latest. We look forward to seeing you soon.

A bientot!


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