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March Meetup: Looking for tutors

From: Jan V.
Sent on: Saturday, February 28, 2015, 10:54 AM

Hey everyone,

as you may know, the march meetup will have a different format.

There won't be any talk. Instead we want to repeat the workshop format we tried in September:

We want to split people into small groups and ideally have 1 tutor per group to answer questions about AngularJS. This is a chance for beginners to ask whatever they have on their mind, for intermediates to have an interesting exchange and for experienced developers to pass their knowledge.

Of course this format is not strict, you can have a group without a tutor, you can just sit and hack together or talk.

For this to work I need some volunteers for tutoring. If you're free on March 11th and would like to participate please send me an email ([address removed]) so I can keep track in my little spreadsheet.

Unfortunately this format also requires us to limit attendance. In september we were about 60 people and it was pretty packed and extremely loud. This time I'm limiting the number of spots to 50.



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