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Re: [notopic-kQXzwZxW] Happy New Year! Our Next Animal Communication Gallery on Saturday

From: Jon Ann R.
Sent on: Friday, January 4, 2013, 8:24 PM
Hi, Sandra.  I'll be coming Sat. with Minnie in her little snow boots!

Jon Ann  :-)

From: Sandra Larson <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Fri, January 4,[masked]:33:31 AM
Subject: [notopic-kQXzwZxW] Happy New Year! Our Next Animal Communication Gallery on Saturday

Happy New Year!

This new energy in 2013 is so exciting!  Does it feel like a new beginning to you? Honestly, I'm not sure just what to do with it yet!

We're so pleased to see so many of you coming to our gallery on Saturday with you animal companions.  From the response, I feel we are all becoming more and more aware of the messages our animals have for us.  Do you think maybe they're here to assist us?

A couple days ago I was invited to mentor a nine year old little girl in animal communication.  What a precious experience!  She was so naturally gifted and open to the animals' messages.  And her intuitive hits were amazing!  Her Mom, Kim St. Andre who is a gifted medium wrote about it in her blog.

If you'd like to read about it, here is the link:

Looking forward to seeing you and yours on Saturday!

Sweetest New Year Blessings,


PS Please know that we will stay until we have communicated with all the animals.  If you can only stay for a while, that's fine.  Please let me know in advance so we can talk with your animal companion earlier.  Since we'll be having a nice sized group, please do your best to arrive on time!  Thank You!


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