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Our Monthly Gallery with Cheryl Andrea & Sandra Larson

From: Sandra L.
Sent on: Tuesday, January 8, 2013, 11:31 AM

Dear Animal Communicator,

Do you feel the new energy of 2013? I can sense that the old non-serving patterns are falling away! Our world has been experiencing so many calls to awaken and so many are heeding those calls! We know that this new energy may be a challenge for you this year and you're doing your best to understand it! We'd like to assist you in this process! Come join us and bring a friend to this very first gallery of 2013!

Last month we met with a large, yet intimate group on[masked] and shared in a world-wide meditation! This month we hope to have a wonderful group again! Each month there seems to a theme that weaves through the gallery readings! You are (and bring) a piece of that theme!

It's so easy to externalize what is happening in our lives. We want to have opinions about what others should or shouldn't do! Cheryl just sent me this beautiful video that touched me so deeply! It lets us know that we are the change we are seeking in the world! The change comes through us! I hope you love it as much as I did!

We'll look forward to creating magic with you on Wednesday evening!

Sweetest Blessings for a wonderful New Year,
Sandra & Cheryl

DATE: 2nd Wednesday of the month
DAY/TIME: Wednesday, 7:00 – 9:00 PM
FEE: $25.00
LOCATION: 7920 Belt Line Road, Dallas TX 75254