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2012 Election Results

From: Dave B.
Sent on: Saturday, April 28, 2012, 3:21 PM


- Susan Kent Heffington

Vice President
- Anne Orsi

7 Board of Directors
- Susan Kent Heffington
- Anne Orsi
- Mark Love
- George Sterpka
- LeeWood Thomas
- Robert Schafer
- Deborah McElhannon

Amendment to the Bylaws
Proposed Bylaws Approved


Congratulations to our new 2012/13 Officers and Board of Directors.  Unfortunately we had more candidates than openings available, and we couldn't pick everyone. It's great that so many people show interest in serving! There are unlimited volunteer opportunities for any member willing to help out. You can serve on a committee, volunteer to host an event, or even just attend some events to show support.

It's been an honor serving as your president this past year, and I hope you'll join me in giving your full support to the new board as we continue to grow and make a positive impact for the atheist movement and church/state separation.

God-less you, god-less the Arkansas Society of Freethinkers, and eventually...
God-less the United States of America!

Dave Bentley