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Fwd: Invitation to Meet Steve Adler, Austin's Next Mayor - Saturday, 4 PM, Mongo Fire Mongolian Grill

From: Ramey K.
Sent on: Friday, December 5, 2014, 5:10 PM
Dear Friends,

I know this has been a very long election cycle for so many of us, but we are almost at the finish line! With just about two weeks left until the run-off election for Austin Mayor and City Council, AISD, and ACC, this is our last chance to make our voices heard in the Asian American community.

Many of you have already attended events and met Steve Adler. If you have not, this is perhaps your last chance to introduce yourself to him before the election. Steve has not only attended more Asian community events than perhaps any other candidate, but he has earned the endorsements of the Network of Asian American Organizations PAC, the Travis County Asian American Democrats, and the Austin South Asian newspaper. The most recent poll also has him leading by 21 percent, with only 8 percent undecided.

We have enjoyed a great relationship with Mayor Lee Leffingwell, but we cannot take that relationship for granted. With a new mayor and TEN new council members, we will need every ally to fight for us.

If you haven't met Steve yet or are still undecided, please join us this Saturday, December 6, at 4:00 PM at Mongo Fire Mongolian Grill on Research Boulevard (183). We'll have free food, and no contribution is necessary to attend. If you know you want to help Steve across the finish line, please consider becoming a sponsor at $350 per person or $700 per couple. Sponsors will be invited to attend a special, intimate event with Steve beginning at 5:15.

PLEASE HELP by forwarding and distributing this e-mail as WIDELY as possible. Please share with your organizations, your friends, your family, your coworkers - anyone you can. I'm happy to answer any questions people may have.


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