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Meetup details changed: Prediction Based Marketing - Voice Of Customer clear advantage

From: Frank H.
Sent on: Tuesday, November 14, 2017, 6:14 PM

I've updated this Meetup. For more details, see the full listing:

When: Wednesday, November 15,[masked]:30 PM

Where: RentPath
950 East Paces Ferry Road Northeast
Atlanta, GA 30326

RSVP limit: 140 "Yes" RSVPs

Hi Everyone:

Hope you all are doing very well. We are excited about seeing you tomorrow at RentPath, and at the Bucket Shop Cafe after 8:30PM if you can make it.

I've increased the RSVP limit, but I know some won't show up for many reasons. If this is your case, please do change your RSVP to NO.

If the changes affect your plans to attend, please take a moment to update your RSVP. (You can RSVP "No" or "Yes".)

You can always get in touch with me through my group profile on Meetup.

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