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Volunteer banner-carriers needed in the D*C parade!

From: Christian W.
Sent on: Friday, August 24, 2012, 2:54 PM

Hi all!


Margaret Downey from the Freethought Society has a group marching in the D*C parade -- the one that Randi is going to be riding in -- and she has asked for three volunteers to help carry a large banner. Here is her email:


We need three men who can fit into lab coats that I have on hand.

I have the following sizes:

3 X
Two Medium

This will be an easy costume. The three men we need to carry the banner will need to wear black slacks, black shoes and a white dress shirt. I will bring the lab coats and the black bow ties. I will also carry a magnifying glass for the lab coat pocket. I will make name badges specifying something like "Skeptic Lab Technician." That should satisfy the parade officials.


If you're willing to help out with carrying this banner, please let me know. I'll get Margaret in touch with you and she will organize getting you your lab coat and when to meet where.

Thanks, all!


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