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New Meetup: TBD (We need a speaker!)

From: Kate C.
Sent on: Thursday, October 21, 2010, 11:35 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Atlanta Spring User Group!

What: TBD (We need a speaker!)

When: Tuesday, November 30,[masked]:30 PM

Where: One Alliance Center
3500 Lenox Road NE Suite 630 - 6th Floor Conference Room
Atlanta, GA 30326

ASUG needs a speaker!

Your feedback from the last meeting was really valuable and we will be returning to the one speaker format. Everything else will stay the same, pizza, soda, location, etc.

Please let me know if you would like to speak or know someone who would.


The meeting will begin at 6:30pm allowing members time to network, arrive and enjoy pizza. At 7pm, ASUG will give an introductory welcome, and will be shortly followed by the presentation. After the presentation we will give away prizes that have been donated by our sponsors. As always, everyone has the option to head downstairs to Aja for networking and drinks after the meeting.


Note: Parking at the One Alliance Center is $8. This meeting will be much shorter than our inaugural meeting, so if you wish to go to Aja after the meeting they will validate part of your parking. If parking is a problem, some members park at Phipps Plaza for free and walk over. ASUG does NOT validate parking.

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