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Thank You & Facebook

From: Kate C.
Sent on: Wednesday, September 29, 2010, 10:11 AM



Thank you everyone for coming out last night and an especially big thank you to Roy and Mahlon for presenting. I hope you all had a great time and look forward to seeing you at our next meeting, Tuesday November 30th. (Where I promise we’ll have more pizza and soda!)


As I mentioned at the meeting, please join our group on Facebook:


We need a speaker or speakers for next meeting, so please let me if you would like to present or have a topic you would like to see presented.


Have a great rest of the week!



Thank you,


Kate Clark
Communications Strategist, eHire
Founder/Organizer, Atlanta Spring User Group

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Follow me on Twitter

One Alliance Center
3500 Lenox Road NE, Suite 630
Atlanta, GA 30326

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