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New Meetup: Atlanta Community Food Bank PRC 1/17

From: David
Sent on: Wednesday, November 26, 2008, 2:37 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Atlanta Volunteer Meetup Group!

What: Atlanta Community Food Bank PRC

When: January 17,[masked]:00 AM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: Lets get back to the Product Rescue Center. We will meet at the ACFB PRC, we will go through the quick orientation, then the new comers will get to watch the movie while anyone that has been there recently goes to the back to get started.

Also please do not worry about the lifting restrictions below. Even if you can only lift 5 pounds there are things you can do. There are about 4 or 5 different rolls during this, and not all require the lifting.

BE SURE TO USE THEIR SITE FOR DIRECTIONS. DO NOT reply on online mapping sites, or probably even your GPS.



This is a limited space outing. If you are not going to make it change your RSVP to no, that way someone else can have your spot!

After we will all go somewhere to lunch. Email me with any suggestions.

If you have any questions email me directly HERE

Thank you for volunteering with the Atlanta Community Food Bank in our Product Rescue Center (PRC!)

The Product Rescue Center (PRC) provides quality food, beverages, and health products to over 800 non-profit partner agencies in Metro Atlanta and the North Georgia area. These partner agencies, in turn, distribute these products to individuals and families in need. Volunteers make this possible by sorting, inspecting and packing donated items for these groups. The PRC is a fun, hands-on project for groups, families, businesses, schools, and individuals.

Please distribute the following information to all volunteers:

*Wear closed-toed shoes. No sandals, flip-flops, or high-heeled shoes are allowed.

* Time Matters! Late volunteers may be asked to return at a later date. Please notify the volunteer department at[masked] if you or your group are going to be late. (If you are running late for an evening shift please call[masked].)

* Volunteers must be at least eight years old. An adult must accompany volunteers under 18 yrs. old. One adult chaperon is required: per 4 youths under 10; per 6 youths 10-13 yrs; per 10 youths 14-17yrs. All adult chaperons in your group will be asked to sign in upon arrival, and to accept responsibility for each youth present. It is not necessary for volunteers under the age of 18 to fill out a form, but please list the names of all youth volunteers present on the back of one of the adult forms.

* The parking lot at ACFB is locked after the end of each evening and Saturday afternoon volunteer shift. If volunteering during these times, ACFB volunteers are advised not to leave their cars in our lot after their shift has concluded.

* In the event of extreme weather conditions, volunteers are advised to call[masked] for updated information as to the status of your volunteer shift.

Directions to our facility can be found at Please follow these directions, as some online mapping programs are inaccurate for our neighborhood. After parking, follow the signs to the PRC entrance located at the rear of the building.

Please be prompt. Call the Volunteer Department at[masked] regarding any scheduling changes (such as the number of participants) or special needs. One week advance notice is required to make changes to your volunteer activity.

Learn more here:

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