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What cha been up to?

From: Eric J. E.
Sent on: Wednesday, July 29, 2009, 1:23 AM
Hey Ya!
I've just added a photo gallery called:
Summer 2009 Photos - Where or what have you been shooting?

So everyone please feel free to post a shot or two of whatever you've been up to. I watermarked my image with the info about where it was, but the comments may also be used for that.
Have Fun! I can't wait to see what you folks are working on...

You may have noticed the new "GOT PiCs?" button on our meetup page under our sponsors list.
This is a link to SimplePhoto's print lab. This is a boutique lab with excellent customer service. 8x10 color prints are just $2 (I think SmugMug and others charge $3)
Sure Walgreens and Sam's club make prints cheaply, but for my work the SimplePhoto PrintShop is for me.
I usually print my color landscapes like the one I've posted on Premium Kodak Metallic Paper. I think SimplePhoto charges 30 cents extra for that $2 8x10 if you want the paper upgrade.
Once you download the printshop application you can custom crop, tilt, adjust your photo.
So here is where you can find the PrintShop if you don't see the button on our page:
Call[masked] SimplePhoto Support with any questions...

Peace love and joy be with you this summer, we'll be looking forward to another gathering and shootout in mid to late August.

Chai tea and Ciao Bella,

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