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New Meetup: Laughter Meditation

From: Dawn S.
Sent on: Saturday, May 2, 2009, 6:42 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Warren Reiki Healing and Meditation Meetup Group!

What: Laughter Meditation

When: May 8,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: It is said that laughter is the best medicine. I agree completely. Science has proven that a good laugh triggers the release of endorphins, your body?s natural painkillers. It decreases stress hormones, lowers blood pressure, boosts your immune system and more.

But do we really need scientific research to tell us that laughing is good for us? Can?t we just feel it?
And besides, do we really need a reason to laugh?
Isn?t it reason enough that laughing makes you happy?

So let?s laugh now.

Come to this Laughter Meditation and laugh a little, forget what may be troubling you for a moment, and just laugh.
Laugh till your belly hurts, laugh till you pee in your pants, laugh till you snort.
Laugh because you can.

Remember, no matter how tough times may seem, you can always take a moment to laugh.

This meeting is Free, but voluntary contributions to the upkeep of ATMA-HOME REIKI CENTER are warmly welcome.

With any questions call me at[masked] or email to [address removed]
Make sure you check out my website:

Private Session available 7 days a week by appointment.
e-mail me: [address removed] or call[masked]

Learn more here: