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2016 AT&T Boston DevLab Coding Workshops & Hackathons

From: user 1.
Sent on: Friday, January 15, 2016, 1:42 PM

As we enter 2016 we have started planning for the AT&T DevLab Coding Workshops and the AT&T Hackathons that we will hold in the Boston area this year. When we lock down dates, venues, and topics we will post them as events on this meetup site, so stay tuned. We don’t flood our members with emails, so you won’t be getting a lot, but when you do it is because something exciting is coming your way.


As with the “AT&T Developer Summit & Hackathon” that was held in Las Vegas on January 2 – 5 and was posted on this meetup, we also will list other major AT&T events throughout the year, even if they are not in your area. The hackathon at the Las Vegas Developer Summit, for instance, had over $300K in prizes, enough of an incentive that a lot of people traveled from far away just to compete. When added with the technical training, AT&T keynote, track sessions, and great entertainment – we’re talking Kevin Spacey, T.J. Miller, and the Royal Machines – this Summit was a not-to-miss event.


In the spirit of the AT&T Developer Summit & Hackathon, on July 15th and 16th we will be holding “Shape: An AT&T Tech Expo” at AT&T Park, the home of the San Francisco Giants, so look for information soon on this new AT&T event centered on technology and innovation. This truly will be something worth traveling to attend.


We look forward to seeing you at the various AT&T coding workshops, hackathons, and other local and non-local events in 2016. Tell your friends to join the “Boston Coding Workshops & Hackathons” meetup so they, also, can be kept up to date. And stay tuned for news of exciting AT&T events coming throughout the year!


Thanks. Ernie



Ernie Flowers
Sr. Product Marketing Manager - AT&T Developer Program


[address removed]

16331 NE 72nd Way, 3145B
Redmond, WA  98052


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