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Reminder - Serverless in September on Tuesday

From: Margaret V.
Sent on: Thursday, September 14, 2017, 12:25 PM

Reminder that this Tuesday, Sept 19th we and the Serverless Chicago user group are putting on "Serverless in September" at RedShelf

Please update your RSVPs if you can no longer attend.

Our 3 talks from both communities are: 
Talk 1: "Go Serverless from your iPad: Building a Data-driven REST API with AWS CodeStar, Lambda, and Cognitect’s Datomic and Vase" - Chris Johnson Bidler
Talk 2: "Serverless event triggering utilizing Alexa as a verbal interface with AWS Lambda" - Matt Billock
Talk 3: "Debugging in Serverless" - Rob Ribeiro

Come by RedShelf (500 N Dearborn St. Suite 1200) starting at 5:30pm for beers and pizza, then talks and a word from our sponsor talk start at 6:00pm. Stick around for Q&A, hosted by the Serverless ugroup's Jon Gear!


Upcoming events:

Oct 3 - AWS certification & training
Host & sponsor - Discover Financial (downtown)

Nov 27 - Dec 1 - AWS reInvent


~ Margaret Valtierra

AWS Chicago user group