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reInvent wrap-up and looking forward to a great 2018

From: Margaret V.
Sent on: Monday, December 4, 2017, 2:16 PM

Welcome back re:Invent travelers!

It was a busy week in the desert. We've got plenty to talk about in 2018! For some refreshers on the product and service announcements, see the highlights from AWS and Day 1 and Day 2 reviews on InfoQ.

Personally, I enjoyed getting to meet fellow user group leaders from around the globe. There are amazing groups all over - Dublin, Munich, JAWS (Japan AWS), and the South American AWS en Español. I've got so many great ideas for 2018!

Part of the plan for 2018 is already here. There's a new website with info for sponsors, speakers, and hosts. Plus, a written code of conduct. Luckily we've never had an issue at a user group event, but this is an effort to be welcoming, transparent, and prepared. Also on our website is an invite form to join the AWS Chicago Slack channel.

Up next in 2018, I've got plans for a few all-day, hands-on sessions a year. We'll hear from more AWS solutions architects, and hopefully you! I'll also send out a survey to get more feedback and ideas from the community. Stay tuned for dates and announcements in January.

But don't worry, there's always plenty to do in Chicago through the end of 2017:

Until 2018, have a happy and safe holiday season!

~ Margaret Join us on the socials:
- Meetup: - linkedin group: - twitter: - youtube:
- slideshare:

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