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Tomorrow Wed: Santa Cruz Business Networking Spring Madness Connect - Downtown Santa Cruz

From: Sunil Bhaskaran Speaker, M.
Sent on: Tuesday, June 5, 2018, 12:30 PM

Tomorrow Wed: Santa Cruz Business Networking Spring Madness Connect - Downtown Santa Cruz


Come to lovely Santa Cruz - cool perfect weather.. great networking!

At these networking events, we will be bringing together businesses, potential clients/customers, non profits, causes, city government and chambers of commerce to build highly engaged and connected communities.


Timeline: 7 pm to 8.30 pm - Light snacks and drinks will be served by our sponsor Bhody Store Downtown.

No charge - totally free of charge to join this event.  Please RSVP asap.

Click Here

Opportunities for you:

1. As a business person, please come and connect with me and learn about opportunities with my 100,000+ network of connections in Silicon Valley.

2. Meet or arrange to have connections (if appropriate) with other connectors and collaboration opportunities in Santa Cruz and San Jose.

3. Meet friendly, generous and ambitious people from other organizations!

4. Have a good time, let your hair down, enjoy the ambience and the connections.


Click Here


Please RSVP soon!

See you soon!

Sunil Bhaskaran

Business Community Organizer



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