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Complimentary Quick Tool for Marketing - Get Clear, Feel Empowered & Accelerate Results

From: Sunil Bhaskaran Speaker, M.
Sent on: Wednesday, September 19, 2018, 11:33 AM

Complimentary quick tool - Get Clear, Feel Empowered & Accelerate Results.

This tool is designed to help you get clear and truthful about your current state and the future state that you are really committed to having pertaining to your marketing, business or projects.

I have been actively talking with many of you in our meetup group and based on the feedback, I have created the following questionnaire tool to help you move forward.

I have done my best to make this as short as possible but not over-simplified.

Enjoy the tool.


"The truth will set you free, but first it will <upset> you." -- Gloria Steinem.


1.  Clarify & Refine Your Goals & Vision - Where do you want to go?

"Be Careful of where you are heading ... you might get there." -- Supposed Chinese Saying.

"Be Careful of NOT KNOWING where you are heading ... you might get there." -- Sunil Bhaskaran.

Be Specific.

Be as Concise as you can.

Is what you wrote Exciting / Challenging / Grounded enough?

What Concerns come up? Write these down.



2.  Clarify & Refine What you are willing to invest to reach your goals and vision?

"An unresolved goal is largely a function of lack of truthful self-reflection and deeper imagination." -- Sunil Bhaskaran.

Be Specific - money, time, energy, short term sacrifices.

Be Concise.

Is what you wrote Exciting / Challenging / Grounded enough?

What Concerns come up? Write these down.



3.  Notice if you are experiencing any resistance (mental, emotional) to the exercises above.

Are you saying "I have done this before and it never helped"?

What are you resisting?

Is the resistance serving you?



4.  List / Summarize all your concerns and goals (two separate lists)

"Momentum is gained, when you make clear choices and then act." -- Sunil Bhaskaran.

Which ones are you committed to resolving?

Which ones are you not committing to resolving?



5.  What do you need to resolve your relevant concerns?

For each concern,

a.  what questions do you need to answer, to resolve your concern?

b.  what decisions?

c.  what actions to take?

d.  what communications to make?

e.  when will you do each of these by?



6.  Come to our next training events with as much thinking or writing as you can do with the above


Take actions based on what you choose to focus on from above.


Click here to get a list of our next training events.



In service,

Sunil Bhaskaran,
