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Anyone want to go to Fox & Hound tonight?

From: Shamar
Sent on: Thursday, December 1, 2011, 4:15 PM

Our Bi-weekly atheists at the pub night at Fox & Hound is still to be scheduled for next Thursday night. However, a couple people let me know that they wanted to get together for a few beers tonight. If anyone is interested then send me an email and let me know. I know it's a bit short notice, but I thought I'd see if anyone else was interested. It's a few minutes after 4 right now, and if we go then we'll probably go in a couple of hours (6ish or 7ish).

So, if you want to hang out, drink some good beer, good food, with a few other atheists tonight, then email me back, and include your phone number so I can call you and let you know if and/or when  we decide to go.
