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To anyone who wants to take part in the Christmas Parade Sunday afternoon (tomorrow)...

From: Shamar
Sent on: Saturday, December 3, 2011, 9:04 PM

I planned to bring this up at the Meetup in the morning, but hopefully anyone who doesn't make it will see this in time...The Christmas parade is tomorrow (Sunday, December 4th), and this year the Texas A&M Atheist & Agnostic Student Group is organizing the Atheist Vuvuzela Marching Band in the parade, just like we did last year.

Anyway, if anyone is free tomorrow afternoon, and would like to take part (we can use as many people as possible), I am attaching the email from the AASG President, that he sent to all of us tonight...also, they have extra horns for only a dollar or two for anyone who doesn't have one, so you should be able to acquire one when you get there...


Tomorrow, December 4th we will be a part of the 85th Annual Bryan/College Station Christmas Parade!

For those of you who can come please pay attention to the following:

We are meeting at the HEB on Villa Maria (725 E Villa Maria, Bryan, Texas) at NOON! Please don’t be late. We will begin ferrying people ASAP to the staging area. Meeting at HEB is advantageous as this is the ending point of the parade so you can just get in your car and depart after the parade.

The people putting the parade together want us to be at the staging area no later than 1pm. Once at the staging area we will have a small practice so that those who couldn’t go to practice today will be up to speed. We did a small test run today and we think we have a fairly simple system as to how to do this.

AS FOR DRESS: We do have a dress code so we all look uniform: A black shirt and jeans….simple enough. You may also want to wear a long sleeve shirt underneath your shirt because it will be in the 50’s that day.

The actual parade starts at 2pm and will last probably about an hour and a half.

I hope you are all excited. If you have any questions please call me on my cell phone which is attached at the bottom of this email.

Thank you and may god be less

[address removed]

I suggest that anyone who knows that they want to go to email him at the address above to touch base, and ask any questions you may have. It's unlikely that I will be able to make it this year because I have to be at work too early tomorrow afternoon, and though I tried, I was not able to get out of it. We had a good time doing it last year, so you should go. It'll be fun!

Shamar Hawkins
[address removed] 

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