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To those of you still in town....

From: Shamar
Sent on: Wednesday, December 21, 2011, 6:34 PM

Fellow apostates,

I'm sending this to remind those who haven't went out of town for the holidays that we are still having our Atheists at the Pub Night at the Fox & Hound tomorrow night (the 22nd). I thought about cancelling it, but enough people at last Sundays meetup at Sweet Eugene's said that they wanted to go.

I look forward to sharing drinks with some of you before the holiday weekend, and to those of you who aren't around, out of town with family for Christmas and what-not, I hope you have a great holiday weekend :-)

Here is a link to the meetup with the when, where, etc., in case you haven't been before. Sometimes I forget, but I'll do my best to bring something like a paper sign to put on the table with either the logo, or possibly just the word meetup (my printer's currently out of ink, ha ha), so look for that if you don't know any of us regulars already, we usually sit somewhere close to the bar. 

Hope to see you there....