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Important changes to Morrisville/RTP Search Engine Optimization Meetup Group

From: David M.
Sent on: Monday, August 4, 2008, 12:45 PM
Hello all,

I would like to welcome everyone to the renewed, and soon to be improved Morrisville/RTP Search Engine Optimization Meetup Group.

I joined this group a few months ago, while it was in a dormant state, and took over the day it was set to expire. I apologize for not writing to everyone sooner to talk about the group, and where it will be going.

While there are a number of SEO meetup groups in the area, most seem to be centered around Raleigh, and I was interested in one that met around RTP, and would also better serve those in the western part of the Triangle.

Now, what we do with the group I would like to leave to the members as much as possible. What does everyone want to see the group do? What sort of format should it have? Any desired locations or meetup times? I started four threads in the message board to gather suggestions on these topics, as well as any others that you find relevant.

I am still learning my way around the meetup system, and it seems the group was set to automatically schedule a meeting every month. I have disabled that setting, but it looks like a number of you have RSVPed for the meeting tonight. I won?t be able to make it, but encourage you to get together if you like, and talk about SEO, as well as what you would like the group to do.

Once some feedback has been posted to the message boards, I'll make some suggestions for the next meeting. I look forward to meeting everyone, and getting this group running again.


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