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From: Darrin P.
Sent on: Thursday, January 3, 2013, 11:26 AM
Inline image 1

Happy 2013 Charlotte Beer Club!

It's going to be our best year yet in 2013.

The Charlotte Beer Club is proud to announce TACO MAC as an OFFICIAL sponsor for all of 2013!

There are going to be many great events together with Taco Mac at various Charlotte locations. These events will be put together by experienced craft beer people that know beer! Rest assured each event we do with Taco Mac will be a great night, with great beers and great people. These events will be unique in nature. 

The next time you are at a TACO MAC location, please let them know we appreciate their support and let them know you are a proud Mem-BEER of The Charlotte Beer Club!

Darrin Pikarsky


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