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New Assistant Organizer, but she's been in that role for over 1 1/2 years already.

From: Robert C.
Sent on: Thursday, October 25, 2012, 10:08 AM

Well, everyone, Jill has finally allowed me to add her officially to this great team of people who help run the group. Since I took the helm at the beginning of last year, Jill has worked behind the scenes with ideas, feedback, and proof-reading all of the event posts. She's also bought a lot of wine, beer, snacks, cups and plates for the group. At events she's helped set up, greet members, made new members feel welcome, and at the end of the evening, she's helped put the venue back together, vacuumed and done whatever else needed to be done. Seems she should get some official recognition for all this. Being listed as an assistant organizer just makes sense. Thanks, Jill!!!