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XBOX One for Lucky Draw + Meet these Featured Demo Startups: GoToPal, HelpMeNow, Collusion, Speecheo and more!

From: user 7.
Sent on: Thursday, March 20, 2014, 7:07 AM

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XBOX One for Lucky Draw + Meet these Featured Demo Companies: GoToPal, HelpMeNow, Collusion, Speecheo and more!

GoToPal, HelpMeNow, Collusion, and Speecheo were selected to pitch their startups at tonight's event Pitch Demo Night + GDC Party @Horizon in SF!

One of our sponsors Appmethod will be offering an XBOX One for lucky draw -  Someone will walk away with a new gaming system! (actually it will be mailed to you) Join us!

• GoToPal: “Virutal Personal Assistant services, Free Messaging, Voicemails, communication, Maintain To Do List, iphone, windows phone, android.”

logo (1)


GoToPal was founded in 2012 with a vision to build the Virtual Assistant to specifically take care of people when they are away, busy, travelling, vacation, sick, not connected, etc…

It’s the modern assistant that will give you more time for your real-life and manage your digital-life. That’s GotoPal’s vision.

To show the vision in action, GoToPal created a product called ‘Smart Voicemail’.

Smart Voicemail is an advanced Voicemail with a virtual assistant.

It’s simply a more elegant and scalable solution to your voicemail needs. It is instant, reliable, personal, productive, fun and simply beautiful!

With Smart Voicemail you can:
* Let your Virtual Assistant attend to callers
* Sync seamlessly with your Calendar
* Set timed and quick status messages
* Automatically convert voicemails into Tasks
* Intuitive UI with Push-to-Talk features
* App-to-App Messaging with friends across the world
* Enhanced Visual Voicemail
… And much much more

Smart Voicemail is now available for FREE in both AppStore and Google Play Store.

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• HelpMeNow: "Is a mobile application that connects people who need help with those who are willing to help with routine tasks or some good advice."

 HelpMeNow is the space for your wants and needs: A mobile application startup, we connect people who need help with those who are willing to help with routine tasks or just a good advice. All interactions are P2P real-time right on the map.

Presented by Vera Kozyr, CEO

• Collusion: "A smarter way to CollaborateCollusion is disrupting the very nature of collaboration, offering powerful new ways to develop ideas, run projects and solve problems."

Today the world’s most pervasive collaboration, organization and problem-solving tool is still the humble whiteboard. Collusion employs this familiar ‘user interface’ to help people benefit from new ways of communicating, presenting and working together with a technology that acts as the glue of a project.

Collusion is a cloud based free form collaboration platform that is used across tablets, smartphones, smart TVs, smart boards and the web. It’s all about focusing on the work and getting things done.

Presented by Robert Yearsley, CEO

• Speecheo"Never miss key information - GET THE IMPORTANT MOMENTS DURING ANY LIVE EVENT"

Speecheo is a mobile and web app which revolutionizes live events experience by creating a smart information channel between speakers and their audience.
Attendees have the perfect tool to never miss the information which matters to them anymore. They can capture speaker content easily in live, take notes and access live tweets.It provides speakers feedback with an reporting of the points of interests of the audience.

Presented by Raphael Harmel, CEO

• Kaidoora: "Start selling online today. Increase same-store sales instantly with a branded Android app, iPhone app, and mobile website."

Kaidoora produces revolutionary web and mobile tools for business owners to sell products and promote their brand online.  Our vision is to offer a simple, cost-effective way for businesses to interface with technology and interact with customers anywhere they have a brand presence.

Presented by Arthur Chang, Co-founder and CEO

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