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Re: [informal] Fun Run and B-Fast 8.13

From: Kristen
Sent on: Thursday, August 11, 2011, 12:19 AM
Sure, I will sign up! Sounds a lot of fun!
Running yay!

On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 8:50 AM, Andy - ti.mer.see - Marx <[address removed]> wrote:


VOLUNTEER with your Friends and TMIRCE: 

Are you the type of person who loves to build community? Do you like hanging out with other people and having a good time while helping other people out? 

Then sign up to volunteer* with TMIRCE at the New Balance Reach the Beach Relay and help run an entire transition area on Saturday, September 17th. (Details to Follow)

*(From the drop-down menu, select 'Informal Running (TMIRCE) T29' and then fill out the form.)

We'll contact you with specific details as we get closer to the race.

Did you know? 

It's an honor to be pied at TMIRCE...

Potluck Style Breakfast: 

Bring tasty treats and healthy snacks for our classic, weekly pot luck style breakfast. It'll be the best ever. If you make scrambled eggs, you win!


FunRun + Bbq-fast (8.13) 

10:30 AM @ City Sports (1035 Comm. Ave., Boston) 
Choose your run: 3 something, 4 something, 6 or even 7-ish mile loops at varying speeds. Yes, even walking speed if you dare! 

Stay for breakfast after the run! We're inside by the shoes. 

Extra Curricular Mailing List 
Want to be in on all of the extra-curricular activities of TMIRCE? Join the mailing list:

"Eat, Run, Be Merry" 
The Most Informal Running Club Ever aims to promote healthy living and community by uniting people through the simple act of running together.

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This message was sent by Andy - ti.mer.see - Marx ([address removed]) from The Boston Running Meetup Group: Home of TMIRCE.
To learn more about Andy - ti.mer.see - Marx , visit his/her member profile

Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York[masked] | [address removed]

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