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New Meetup: Informal Running Club Meetup + Breakfast

From: Andy M.
Sent on: Wednesday, September 2, 2009, 4:32 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Boston Running Meetup Group!

What: Informal Running Club Meetup + Breakfast

When: September 5,[masked]:30 AM

Lindstrom Field
40 Granite St
Cambridge, MA 02139

Meet up with The Most Informal Running Club Ever on the Cambridge side of the Charles River for the weekly Saturday Fun Run. We'll split up into groups depending on the turnout for distance and time goals for 3, 5 or 6 mile loops. It's your choice!

What to expect: a seriously fun group of runners who definitely do not take running too seriously. We will meet, chat, RUN, stretch, chat, EAT BREAKFAST and then leave. It's that easy.

Breakfast Details: Between 11:15 and 11:30 (depending on how long we run) we will meet at "The Rock"* for breakfast. If you would like to bring a breakfast item to share (eggs, bagels, fruits, muffins, juice, bacon, potatoes, etc.) please do so by adding your contribution here. You are not obligated to bring anything, though, so please join us for breakfast after the run!


Street parking is easily accessible on Granite Street.

* "The Rock" is my house, located at the intersection of Granite St. and Rockingham St. It is across the street from Lindstrom Field.

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