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Boulder Raw Food Meetup - Matt Monarch and Angela Stokes - Lecture at the Solstice Center

From: Joseph F.
Sent on: Tuesday, July 21, 2009, 10:25 PM
What: Matt Monarch and Angela Stokes - Lecture
When: August 16,[masked]:00 PM
Where: Solstice Center (Pearl and 3rd st)
Price: $20.00 per person

For more details, see the full listing:

Matt Monarch and Angela Stokes have been on a journey of healing and transformation through health, nutrition and a raw-food lifestyle.

Matt Monarch, author of ?Raw Spirit? & 'Raw Success' and Raw Food Educator has been eating 100% raw for nearly 10 years now. You can learn more about him at

In his talk he discusses:

* Is the Raw Food Diet for you?
* Overcoming Health Challenges
* Why some diets work and some don?t
* Difficulties that may arise on your journey
* Benefits of eating Raw Foods, juicing and colonics

Angela Stokes lost over 150lbs and overcame morbid obesity with a raw food lifestyle. She runs and is visiting from the UK to share her message of natural recovery.

She speaks about:

* Healthy, rapid weight loss
* How to break overeating patterns
* Balancing detox with slimming
* Taking care of the body naturally
* Addressing the underlying issues

For more information or to RSVP, please contact Merideth at (215)[masked] or e-mail at: [address removed]

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