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Wednesday's meeting

From: Peter B.
Sent on: Tuesday, September 13, 2011, 11:01 AM

Hi Writers,


Are you coming tomorrow? Please RSVP to let me know if you're coming or not. Remember: Replying "no" tells me that you are still interested in the group--and that you aren't simply ignoring my emails. Oh, how I hate being ignored!  I will make a reservation at the Daily Planet by noon tomorrow.


Anyway, there are two things to read for tomorrow, and one of them is quite long (mine). I would love your informed opinion on it.


Also, as per Sarah's suggestion, one lucky member will receive a tube of skin cream to deal with the wet itchies, or any other skin problem currently causing grief.


See you tomorrow!




P.S. If you haven't gotten involved in helping your fellow Vermonters recover from the damaged caused by Tropical Storm Irene's flooding, make a donation to the Vermont Disaster Relief Fund at This fund will help folks who can't fully recover, even with the help of private insurance and FEMA. Do your part!





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