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RE: [AEC-Networking] Senior Project Manager Position

From: Michael H.
Sent on: Thursday, April 21, 2016, 9:18 AM

Job description

JOB OPENING:  Senior Project Manager (Delaware County, PA ~ Philadelphia suburbs)


A local construction management company is looking for an expert communicator to fill the role of senior project manager.  The senior project manager is a facilitator and tactical leader of all project management.  This position is a valuable member of the team.


Drive the company to achieve and surpass sales, profitability and business goals. 

Provide in-house estimating for upcoming projects.

Eliminate inefficiencies wherever they occur.

Oversee scheduling of manpower, including project prioritization, skill-matching, work progression and proper delegation of assignments.

Schedule and assign resources as required to meet workload in productional facilities and work sites.

Support the company’s long-term goals of expansion by identifying local resources and facilities in targeted areas.

Motivate all superintendents to achieve goals with a “hands-on” approach to collaboration and represent the company with customers, vendors and business partners.

Enforce all company rules and regulations.


Salary – firm six figure.  Extensive benefit package including family medical, dental, vision, 401(k), long-term disability insurance and bonus opportunity.


EDUCATION:  Bachelor’s degree required, preferably engineering or construction management.

EXPERIENCE:  Minimum 10 years of management experience.

TECHNOLOGY:  Advanced computer user.

LANGUAGE:  English.

TRAVEL:  Local only.

QUALITIES:  Affable, professional, self-assured, methodical, efficient, productive and looking for permanent move.

We are an equal opportunity employer.

Email resumes to Joe Winchester at [address removed]