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CFI-LI Discussion Group - Thursday Feb 11th

From: Phil P.
Sent on: Monday, February 1, 2016, 1:22 PM

What: Discussion Group
When: Thursday, Feb 11th 7:00pm
Where: Plainview-Old Bethpage Library (999 Old Country Road, Plainview NY)

Topic: Islamism, Feminism, Dawkins...Oh My!!!

For those of you who don't know, there is once again a shitstorm occurring within the Skeptics, Atheist, Humanist, Freethought (SAHF) world. It's a  long story, but essentially it was precipitated by a video claiming a similarity between Islamism and Radical Feminism which Richard Dawkins retweeted.
Rather than try to write an essay on the entire situation, I've included below a link to a comprehensive blog entry by Massimo Pigliucci on this matter.  Within Massimo's piece are links to the actual video as well as some other related comments from people who are at the center of the storm.
I hope we can discuss this further at this discussion group meeting.
Massimo's Blog entry:
ALSO: We will be discussing future topics and planning for this and other future CFI-LI events.  I urge anyone interested in the future of CFI-LI to attend this meeting.
Looking forward to seeing you on Thursday, Feb 11th.