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New Meetup: Pugs at the Beach

From: Dee D.
Sent on: Saturday, July 31, 2010, 11:18 AM
Hi Everyone! My organizer powers have been returned to me fully and I have set up our next meetup. Please forgive me, once again, for the late notice. I hope you will be able to join us anyway... I look forward to seeing you!

What: Pugs at the Beach

When: Saturday, August 7,[masked]:30 AM

Where: Montrose Dog Beach
E. Wilson Ave and N. Simonds Dr
Chicago, IL 60601

This summer has been hot, hot, hot! Join us for a little cooling off at the Montrose Dog Beach, named in the Top 10 Dog Beaches in the country by both and FIDO Friendly - and the only dog beach not in a coastal state! cool

Yes, we know 10:30 might be early on a Saturday, but we also know our short nosed friends can only tolerate so much heat, so we want to get out there before the hottest part of the day! There is plenty of parking near the beach and, so far, it doesn't seem to have been hit by the parking meter meanies!

It's always a good time at the beach! To assure everyone has the best time possible, please practice good beach etiquette, bring only what you are willing to get sandy and/or soggy (with beach water or other doggy dampness wink) and be sure to have your DFA tags on your dog(s) or with you (or enter at your own risk!)

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