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Re: [webdesign-396] Requests for classes and what's going on.

From: Doug
Sent on: Thursday, July 29, 2010, 2:55 PM
On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 12:42 PM, bryan <[address removed]> wrote:
> why don't you, me, and the others in the group take on real world projects
> and charge a few bucks for the end product. this way those who want to learn

That sounds like a good idea.

Also are you still having the meditation thing?

Also could everybody learn how to EDIT???  (That is, delete all
previous and unnecessary garbage.)  To add to a message you start at
the BOTTOM, not the TOP.

yahoo sucks and is sucking worse every day.? They are making it worse
all the time.? It has become unusable.? They have no help and will not
fix problems.? They have an email help but never answer.? Boycott
advertisers on yahoo.? I am switching to gmail.? You can write to me

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