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Mailing List Questions

From: Joe F.
Sent on: Sunday, May 11, 2008, 1:12 PM
Howdy Yall!

As many of you have noticed our meetup has a mailing list. Some folks love it, some hate it. In the past I've received complaints from folks getting emails from it. And when I've turned it off, I've received complaints from folks who couldn't send to it. While I understand all sides of the discussion, it really places me in a perplexing place, of not being able to please anyone in the meetup. So what's a meetup organizer to do when caught in a Catch 22 like this?

Well thankfully I don't have to really do much of anything, because has taken care of the behind the scenes stuff for us all. It's provided a mechanism so that each of us can individually decide what we want. Do you want to be on the mailing list? Well spells bells you can! And if you don't want to be by Jove's Third Ankle and Left Eyelid, well you've got that option too.

However not lots of folks have been aware of this ability so I put together a page on meetup with screenshots to show you exactly where to go, so that you can decide for yourself what kinds of email you want to receive from our meetup. I even explain in there that if you do turn off the mailing list, you'll have no worries about staying abreast of events, because those will still go through.

So I'm hoping that everyone can take a look at the link, decide for themselves what kind of participation they want on the mailing list. This will make my job a lot lot easier and ease some of the vexing I've had recently about this.

Here's the link :

Best Regards Yens,
Joseph James Frantz

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