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New Meeting: Novice Study Group

From: Joe F.
Sent on: Wednesday, May 14, 2008, 9:12 PM
Announcing a new meeting for Cleveland Web Design and Development Meetup!

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What: Novice Study Group

When: Friday, May 16, 6:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Who should come: Anyone who wants to participate in a study group, either to help, or get help (or both).

Why: The food at Camille's Sidewalk Cafe is really great. Plus the Friday study group, though small, has been fun each time we've had it, which means last Friday.

Meeting Description: Hey Yall!

QUICK NOTE: Don't forget to check out the Cleveland Web Standards Association event next month. They'll be covering Search Engine Optimization. So show them your support and RSVP ASAP.

Now on to the business of this meetup:

This Friday we will be having our free study group. This isn't a workshop, a class or a tutorial. It's just folks, some that might know something, others that don't, getting together and doing their ding danged darndest to try to help each other out a bit.

If you have a laptop please bring it. If you have books you would like to share, please bring them. If you have something that has been a thaw in your core, that's just given you a bit of trouble getting done, bring it. We might not be able to help, or we might be. But we'll try as best we can.

As mentioned this won't be a workshop. We have that on hold until we have three things:

1. A curriculum.
2. Materials (handouts, sample sites to build, that kind of thing)
3. A place online for participants to post and practice.

Now I've received word from a couple folks that they are willing to help us get those things together. But until then the study groups are going to be just that, study groups. We'll want to concentrate on our own real life sites. So if you have a domain you want to get goin, or (gulp) a myspace, or a blog, or any other thing, we'll all be available to chat about it and work together.

This meetup will be held at Camille's Sidewalk Cafe in Westgate Mall at about the corner of 210 and Center Ridge Road in Rocky River. It is catty corner to the Applebees. So if you have trouble, just ask someone for directions.

If you get lost you are most welcome to call me at[masked]. I'm available any time.

I will be there from 6pm until 9pm when they close. We might be heading out for drinks afterwards. So if that includes you please remember the maxim, Drive Safe.

I've reserved the RSVPs to 10 because this isn't a large place and we will be there for a while during prime time. So please RSVP if you are coming. Then I will know to look out for you.

Thank kindly yens and many kind regards,
Joseph James Frantz

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