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Re: rob just RSVPed Yes for HTML/CSS Study Group

From: Joe F.
Sent on: Monday, July 7, 2008, 3:12 PM

We've purchased one book but not settled on it as a textbook just yet.

I am in negotiations with  for a group rate for our
meetup (and other meetups that might want in on it). Depending on
the quoted prices, that might offer us one option.

Once we have a couple of discussions, we should be able
to finalize our decision on study materials.

----- Original Message ----
From: Meetup <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Monday, July 7,[masked]:02:44 PM
Subject: rob just RSVPed Yes for HTML/CSS Study Group

rob just RSVPed 'Yes' for HTML/CSS Study Group  and wrote the
following comment:

"any textbook yet? "

The current RSVP count is:
3 'Yes'
0 'Maybe'
1 'No'

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