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Looking for Python Developers with Attitude! (Near Cleveland, Ohio)

From: Michael
Sent on: Thursday, March 28, 2013, 1:01 PM
Hi Everyone,

Nice meeting you all:

Looking for "Python Developers" with "ATTITUDE" for a progressive, flat organization near Cleveland, OH. You will be challenged on daily basis! Each day will be unique and different in this place. Refrigerators full of goodies and interactive working office where you can work and PLAY with others! If you are seriously passionate about development beyond this "job".   Intellectually curious about development and has experimented with coding outside of work in Python, then let me know.

Appreciate all your help....


Michael Amiri

NxT Recruitment

[masked]  |  [address removed]  |  [address removed]  |

NxT Recruitment believes that creating shared vision is the best approach for building successful relationships between our clients, our candidates, and us. We search endlessly for perfect fits. In time, we create winning team for you. We strategically identifies and presents "passive" candidates who are currently employed, not on the job market, not visible to employment agencies, not answering employment ads, and not entertaining multiple offers from competing employers.  We identify and present "the best and the brightest."

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