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Re: [webdesign-396] News about our Workshops

From: Ronald F.
Sent on: Saturday, April 3, 2010, 2:36 AM

--- On Fri, 4/2/10, Aoirthoir An Broc <[address removed]> wrote:

From: Aoirthoir An Broc <[address removed]>
Subject: [webdesign-396] News about our Workshops
To: [address removed]
Date: Friday, April 2, 2010, 5:33 PM

Howdy folks!

We've good news all around so I'll get to it.

First I want to thank Ron because he put in a LOT of hard work and created an accessibility ramp for us. So now getting to the classroom should be near a breeze. We've not got a ramp for the front door yet, but I should be able to put something together myself in the next couple of weeks as I can steal time away from other things. The ramp he built is really fantastic and sturdy. So once again Ron thanks! It's much appreciated.

I'd also like to thank all of the folks that donated funds as well. We took a good chunk of change and bought some slim table and folding chairs. So we've comfortable seating for 8 right now. As I can procure other funds, I'll add tables and other necessities.

The internet is in, I've just got to scrounge up a router. Soon as I do we'll be all set there. I'll also be looking at putting in a white board soon (on the cheap) and I might be hauling a monitor back and forth from Paul's Store (Beyond PC). That'll make it a bit easier on the eyes for everyone I hope.

This week we'll be moving immediately into team mode. So if you can, come with a project in mind. For those that cannot make it due to the Holy Day, I wish you all a great and happy Easter and look forward to seeing yall next week.

As always feel free to call any time if you need something [masked].

Kind Regards,
Aoirthoir The Glasses Wearer Morer Often Than Before.

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