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Monday Meetup Officially On!

From: user 5.
Sent on: Tuesday, April 8, 2008, 12:23 AM
Well, for the first official Monday =)

Thanks to the Island Rock crew, 3 BRAND NEW first timers took the Climbing/Belay 101 course ($20 discounted) and passed the very first night!!! On top of that, the experienced climbers I saw were all working up a sweat! We even got some bouldering in!

The new climbers were belaying and climbing independently for at least an hour on their own (and with us). Nice job and Congratulations! There are always new techniques to learn and different routes to experience.

To all that came down, please remember that once you have your membership keytag and you are in the computer, you do not have to sign any paperwork with Meetup, you are good and in the computer! I hope you'll take time to say hi to everyone though =)

Don't forget the Meetup carabiner keychains!

Be well and be safe, share the word with friends...Island Rock appreciates it.

Feel free to climb anyday at anytime, you're in the computer at Island Rock now!

P.S. Any questions regarding your pass (lost or stolen), please see Island Rock crew (Mark or Tim) at the front desk.