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Hi Strategists! Career Opportunity w/ Blackboard!

From: Kat W.
Sent on: Tuesday, June 7, 2016, 10:53 AM

Hi Everyone,


I just wanted to pass along a career opportunity if anyone was interested! Blackboard is currently looking for a Content Developer in our DC office. The content team creates all in-product and external Help content for our 30M+ users around the world. We aim to solve their problems and give them an outstanding user experience—in any language. The Content Designer would work closely with designers and engineers to make this happen. It's an exciting time, and we're working on some cutting-edge new education products.


Here is a link to the job description for more information or to apply:


Feel free to reach out to me with any questions. Thanks for considering!



Kat Wojcik

Sourcing Specialist, HR

Blackboard Inc.            

T : [masked]


Reimagine Education.    



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