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Empowered into the Future! This Weekend in L.A. with James Hyman!

From: Barbara
Sent on: Friday, February 3, 2012, 8:07 AM
Hi Marshall. Thank you for forwarding this to our group! Let me know if you would like to attend one or both days!  xxoo, Barbara

Empowerment Workshop this Weekend in Los Angeles with Master Teacher, James Hyman!
Join us this weekend!
Still Time to Register for this Healing, Transformative Weekend Workshop!

Identify and Go to the Core of Universal Issues that effect all human beings!

Become Personally Empowerment in Every Aspect of your Life!
The Empowerment Workshop
Feb. 4th and 5th in Los Angeles!
Saturday and Sunday
9:30 - 5:30 pm
Come one or Both Days!
Witness and Experience Profound Emotional Healing and Personal Empowerment! 
 Learn Powerful Techniques that you can Use to Help Yourself and Others!
Leave this workshop on Sunday with the feeling that you are personally empowered... that you can never again be knocked off your center. Get very clear on your boundaries, who you really are and what you came here to do.
Then end of seeking! The end of co-dependency and the beginning of your life as true Spiritual Practice!
Become Empowered in every aspect of your life. Learn some Basic Technique of the Deep Emotional Release Bodywork that you can begin to use to help others and get very clear on your own decisions. Become more connected to your intuition and your spiritual and creative process.
Leave this weekend fully empowered, and with the Basic Techniques you need to move on in the future to the 3-day Practitioner Training!
*This workshop is a pre-requisite to the 3-day Practitioner Training being offered in March!

This Weekend in L.A.: Join James Hyman to become Empowered in your Life!
Learn metaphysical and shamanic wisdom  one-on-one from a master teacher.
Understand the nature of Enlightenment as you witness and experience profound shifts in consciousness. Improve the quality of your life!
Become really clear about your Spiritual Path and how to perfectly integrate it into your day to day 3-D reality of Life!
Engage the True Energy of the 2012 Phenomena and how to plan your life for 2013 and Beyond!
During the 2-day Empowerment Workshop, James will take you to the core on all the issues which may be impacting your success and your true connection to your Present Reality and your path of spiritual enlightenment and healing.
You will connect on a deep level with your compassion, your empathy, and your humanity at the same time you will begin to feel very comfortable with your boundaries and your ability to fully love while maintaining your connection to self and to your own personal empowerment and creative manifestation.
These one or two days will take you to a whole other level in your transformational process!
This workshop is a Level 1 Basic Training and a pre-requisite to the 3-day Practitioner Training
2-Day workshop $325
One Day workshop $175

Please call or email Barbara, at (323)[masked], or Email: [address removed] with any questions, or to help schedule your next transformational private session, workshop, or retreat with Jim.
Or call James directly, (805)[masked]
Thanks for forwarding this to those who may be interested!
Love, light and many blessings

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