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Update on "An Evening with Colin Smith"

From: Sally C.
Sent on: Monday, December 3, 2012, 11:38 AM

Just wanted to let you all know we are working to get a smaller room at the Tech Museum (not the iMax Theatre this time) for this event. I don't have it nailed down just yet, so we have a room at Adobe San Jose as backup. I will clarify the details as soon as I can.

I need to charge $10 either way, to compensate for Colin Smith's travel. You won't be disappointed by this event; trust me. We have awesome raffle prizes, food will be provided and it's a holiday event so I am baking my world-famous sugar cookies as a special treat. We are joining forces with at least one other group, so this will be a big event! Adobe is providing us with a few "goodies" as well . . .

Here is the link to register; hope to see you all there!


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