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Update-Chakra Crystal Bowl Meditation

From: Donna S.
Sent on: Tuesday, November 6, 2012, 6:11 PM


Hello All...

Knowing that you all are sending love and light to all who have been challenged by the storm and Mother Earth herself...

Please note:

Wednesday's Chakra Crystal Bowl Meditation time has been change to 3:00 pm, due to the 6:00 pm curfew in Belmar...

Tomorrow is a complimentary offering for our Community Members...

We ask only...that you bring a donation for the "Relief Effort"...

If you plan on coming, please enter Belmar on 16th street...the easiest access...

There may be a check point...

Just let them know you are coming to Soulful...

Below is Monday's message...

Rebirth is the willingness...

To move forward...

And the courage...

To see it through...

The totem was a Canary:


New experiences are presenting themselves emphasizing the stimulation of sound: vocally and musically as well as within the spiritual realm. Canary can show you how to sing into your own to bring more light and joy into daily activities. Canary helps you recognize your own voice and teaches creative expression. She can show you the strength and power of your words and the delicate balance that may be needed. She reiterates heightened psychic awareness and sensitivity to the worlds around you. Is it time to integrate something new and refreshing into your life? Let Canary guide you into a more joy filled period in life. It is time to sing your own song.

May you all continue to sing the song of light and love...

Healing yourself, others, and the planet...

In The Brightest Light...
