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[JOB] - Senior Ruby Developer - Agile / XP - New York, NY - Up to 140,000

From: Matthew S.
Sent on: Wednesday, September 5, 2012, 5:46 PM

Senior Ruby Developer - Agile / XP - New York, NY - Up to 140,000




Smith & Keller is seeking a Software Engineer to play a pivotal role in the development of new features for our industry leading platform. The successful candidate is a versatile developer with proficiency in Ruby, RoR, Metal/Rack/Sinatra and keen attention to detail that permits them to own the final quality assurance of their solutions. The successful candidate must be highly adaptable, capable of learning new technologies and APIs and demonstrate passion and enthusiasm for designing and implementing products.


Primary Responsibilities:


- Design/implement software solutions based upon needs and requirements.

- Research issues identified by QA and develop succinct solutions.

- Test-driven development implementer and coach for web application development (database, application server, and browser components)

- Continuous integration implementer and coach


Qualifications and Experience


- Bachelor’s degree or equivalent experience in software engineering, computer science, or computer &  information systems.

- Strong knowledge of Ruby, RoR, Metal/Rack/Sinatra, ActiveRecord and memcached.

- Proficiency in Rspec/Rspec-rails, Test-unit, and mocking frameworks.

- Proficiency in Javascript (client and server) with understanding of popular MVC framework such as backbone.js/spine.js.

- Familiarity of JavaScript testing framework such as Jasmine.

- Command of Linus/OS X command line and git.

- Proven experience with building and scaling high-traffic web services.

- Excellent written and verbal communication skills.

- Proven experience developing solutions to complex and unusual technology challenges.



- Intermediate/expert-level proficiency with agile methods, git, or continuous integration.

- Passion or high interest in Pair Programming (agile methodology) and social media in general.




Matthew Smith | COO / President

Smith & Keller |

228 Park Ave S. | New York, NY 10003

Phone:[masked] ext. 202 | [address removed]

Be sure to connect with me on LinkedIn




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