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Fwd: Family Event for August

From: Donna G. (.
Sent on: Tuesday, July 10, 2007, 9:54 PM

 Hello all!
Join my kids and me for a hearty
breakfast and vist to a working farm.
The description of the event from the
farm's websirte follows:
Farm Feast Breakfast & Open House
The first Sunday of each month from
10am to 1pm, D Acres hosts an All-You-
Can-Eat breakfast featuring pancakes,
French toast, maple syrup from
Butternut Farm (Rumney, NH),  farm
raised eggs, meat and potatoes, and
coffee from Cafe Monte Alto (Plymouth,
NH).  Suggested donation $10 adults,
$5 kids.  Work off your indulgence
with a tour of the working, organic
farm.    Can?t make the Feast?  Come
by at 2pm for the Open House tour. 
Beginning in May, the tour includes a
garden walk.

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