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New Meetup: Tall Ships paddle in Boston inner harbor

From: Bill_J
Sent on: Saturday, July 11, 2009, 7:36 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Dance & Activities Meetup NH!

What: Tall Ships paddle in Boston inner harbor

When: July 12,[masked]:00 AM

Schrafft's boat launch
543 Main Street Rear Right corner of parking lot
Boston, MA 02129

The Tall ships are visiting Boston through the 12th and time is running out to go see them. Come paddle the inner harbor and check out 40 ships from around the world!

Low tide will be at 9:15AM and put in/take out will be on the Mystic River behind the Schrafft's building. There is a public boat launch in the far right corner of the parking lot - you can also park there. We will paddle south to the inner harbor and follow the spectator boating pattern as shown here:
Security will not allow us closer than 50 yards from any ship, but we?ll still have great views and plenty of photo opportunities!
We?ll travel in a counterclockwise circle around the harbor and hit each ship as we go. We?ll be returning to the mouth of the Mystic with the rising tide. I expect the entire trip will go approx 4 hours (~6 miles), so pack a light lunch and plenty of water since we?ll settle in somewhere calm to nibble on the way. We may end up queued in line to view the ships too. Expect some waiting time on the water since I would guess many other people will be out there doing the same thing we are ? not to mention the weather should be awesome. I think we?ll be in for a great time!

The harbor is very large and may not be suitable for open recreational kayaks. While many online trip reports to the harbor call it an easy to intermediate paddle, please consider your experience before deciding to venture out on this meetup. Traffic, wind, and water conditions could become too challenging for smaller boats or rookie paddlers. This event requires ALL safety gear. PFDs must be worn, carry self-rescue gear (float/pump). Spray skirt and compass recommended ? though fog is very unlikely.

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