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Please help the winner of Geneva Startup Week-end win Globally!

From: Antonia R
Gesendet am: Mittwoch, 23. November 2011, 17:08

Hello everybody,

I hope everything is well. This last week, Miguel Molina Cosculluela and MySollars team won the Geneva Startup Weekend Competition, and now the team needs to win the Global Battle, which is a competition among 48 winners from around the world.

My Sollars is a social game to offset your carbon footprint. The winner will be taken to Silicon Valley to have key discussions with investors, besides bringing enormous buzz around the company among other things.

Could you please help MySollars win by voting and spread the word around your network? Mailing lists? Facebook friends, Twitter friends? Business lists? Employee lists?

To vote is very simple:

Option 1 (Facebook)
1. Click this link
2. Log with your Facebook account

3. Look for the project called MySollars

4. Vote


Option 2 (Link)
1. Go to
2. Look for the project called MySollars
3. Vote

The winner will be the startup that has most votes by Monday.

Thank you in advance!

Kind regards,


Antonia Rusinov

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