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Message boards will no longer be available after July 18, 2024.

We recommend saving any important information beforehand. Going forward, you can stay connected with your groups using the Discussions feature (we'll be rolling out some exciting updates soon)!

Learn more about the upcoming changes in this article;

New Meetups on 5, 6, 7 May

From: Graham T.
Gesendet am: Dienstag, 5. Mai 2009, 09:08
Announcing new Meetups

Meetup Description: Caf? Espagnol (Spanish speakers and learners)
When: Tuesday 5 May from 19.00h to 21.00h
Where: Almahara Lounge, Seilerstr. 8, in the middle of City West (enter near Cine Camera)
Contact: Graham Tritt, g.tritt at

There are many persons interested in speaking and learning the Spanish language. We meet for discussion and a drink. Beginners and native speakers are welcome! We have something for everyone - graded to your ability - and lots of conversation.


Presentation at the uni: Chemical origins of life, followed by English discussion

Wednesday 6 May, 18:15 ? 20:00
Universit?t Bern, Collegium generale, Auditorium maximum, Raum 110, Hochschulstrasse 4, 3012 Bern

Vorlesungsreihe Collegium generale ?Charles Darwin und die Evolution der Evolutionstheorie 1809?2009?.
Mit Prof. C. Leumann., Website:

Selbstreplizierende Molek?le und der Ursprung des Lebens: Evolution im Reagenzglas. Prof. Ch. Leumann, Departement f?r Chemie und Biochemie, Universit?t Bernn

Wednesday 6 May[masked]
English language discussion afterwards at 20.00h in Restaurant Athen, Falkenplatz
Join members of the international club


Walk & Talk Stettlen to Worb
Do, 7. Mai, 09:05 ? 12:00
Meet at Railway station Treffpunkt (Karte)
Register with Werner Dettwiler [address removed]

International club of Berne:


Happy Hour at Schwellem?tteli 1800
Do, 7. Mai, 18:00 ? 19:00
Come for a drink

International club of Berne:


(no meetup is scheduled for the following, it is just for information - Graham)

Plaza Suite by Neil Simon
Directed by Kendall Brazowski

Upstage, Berne's English-Language Theatre Group, is pleased
to announce its upcoming spring production, Neil Simon's Plaza
Suite, at the Theater am K?figturm in Bern.
Neil Simon?s hilarious comedy follows three couples successively occupying Suite 719 at the famed Plaza Hotel in New York.

About the play

Meet Karen Nash, who is desperately attempting to revive the romance in her 23 year old marriage to Sam, the trim, calorie-counting businessman husband.

Then there?s Jesse, a famous Hollywood producer, trying to rekindle old times with Muriel, a seemingly unspoiled wife and mother of three, seventeen years after they last dated in high school.

And lastly Norma and her husband, Roy -- going into a mad panic when their daughter locks herself in the bathroom minutes before her hugely expensive wedding. So, come and join us for an evening which will make you laugh, cry, sigh and mostly? be glad that it isn?t happening to you.

The Author
Marvin Neil Simon (born July 4, 1927) is an American playwright and screenwriter. He is one of the most reliable hitmakers in Broadway history, as well as one of the most performed playwrights in the world. Neil Simon has been married five times.

The director
Kendall Brazowski received her Speech & Drama Licentiate from the London Guildhall School of Music and Drama in 2004. She has trained in all aspects of the performing arts and is a keen writer, having written and devised several plays for various projects in the UK including versions of Shakespeare?s A Midsummer Night?s Dream, Around the World in 80 Days and Echo & Narcissus. Having taught and directed for eight years in England and conducted drama workshops in both Australia and Ireland, Kendall decided to move to Bern in search of a new challenge.

Upstage was founded in 1982. Having presented over 60 productions, it is an established part of Switzerland?s English-speaking cultural scene and currently has about 80 members of various nationalities. More info under

Plaza Suite by Neil Simon
Directed by Kendall Brazowski
Upstage, Berne's English-Language Theatre Group
Dates May 7, 8, 13, 14 and 15 at 19.30, May 16 at 17
Theater am K?figturm, Spitalgasse 3, 3U/G
Ticket prices CHF 33, 28 and 23 (CHF 5.00 reduction for Upstage members, Student/AHV/AI)
Bookings: Theater am K?figturm,
Tel[masked] or [address removed]

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