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ESCB extra general meeting

From: Graham T.
Gesendet am: Mittwoch, 6. Mai 2009, 08:11
Announcing an important event: the ESCB extra general meeting

May 8, 2009 Club open at 8 pm, meeting at 9 pm

LOCATION: Mittelstr. 55, L?nggasse (near Bierhuebeli)

English speaking club of Berne "extraordinary general meeting"

The committee has decided to summon an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) to comply with new legal requirements.

Nowadays, the English Speaking Club of Bern entertains not only members but also regulars, who (for different reason) do not want to become a member according to the former constitution point 4. As we often host events from other clubs (e.g. Sing Together) we want to create an opportunity for these and all other people to be our guests in the future as well. Furthermore, having these people at the club has a strong influence on our financial wellbeing.

For this group of people, we have created a free ?Basic Membership.? These members will not have the same rights that you enjoy as a ?Premium Member?. Specifically, this new membership group cannot vote, has no reduction on drinks and cannot rent the club itself. The committee decision is therefore to adapt the constitution to allow the different types of membership.

Please find enclosed the invitation for the EGM. Following the AGENDA:
* Registration of present members
* Election of two scrutineers
* Constitution ? reason for modification
* Questions & answers
* Voting
* Declaration of the result
* Closure

Therefore, we call an EGM to hold a vote on the Constitution 2009. The EGM takes place at the ESCB on Friday, 8th May 2009 at 21:00. Please attend the meeting and cast your vote.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We are looking forward to seeing you at the club.
On behalf of the committee, Corinne Oegerli, President
The English Speaking Club of Bern was founded in 1978 as a meeting point for English speakers from all over the world. The ESCB purpose and aims are to:
* Facilitate intercultural communication and understanding between persons of different languages & cultures
* Foster the English language - open to everyone to improve their English conversation skills
* Provide a platform for social activities and networking for native and non-native English speakers and occassionally other English speaking organisations in Bern.
* Promote an informal, friendly and tolerant atmosphere
* Create an appealing meeting point for all age groups


Discussion meetings - see the blog on
Tennis registrations - on the doodle on
Dancing, Spanish, Russian groups - ask to join the special mailing lists
Books, Writers - ask for more information

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